
Clarity in Process, Quality in Solutions.

Your reliable partner for fulfilling Telco, CSP, ISP & SatCom Network and Service Operation Center Management, Modernisation & Monitoring Solution requirements benefiting several dependent ICT ITES
segments, such as Agro-Tech, Space Data, EV & Autonomous Driving, Deep-Tech, and Mining among others.

We are well experienced, Globally connected & equipped to meet the Communication Technology Industry needs of your specific sector. Contact us today to benefit from our world recognized, efficient, accurate, and speedy Solutions for your Transition & Transformation initiatives.

TelcoSolve®, a G20 & Europe OneConference recognized SME leader in Telecom, Cyber & ESG industry is Registered & Incorporated at Bengaluru, the Silicon Valley of India. We are Incubated under NASSCOM® KEONICS CoE for IoT & AI, supported by the Indian Government & Karnataka State Government.

The thing that differentiates scientists is purely an artistic ability to discern what is a good idea, what is a beautiful idea, what is worth spending time on, and most importantly, what is a problem that is sufficiently interesting, yet sufficiently difficult, that it hasn’t yet been solved, but the time for solving it has come now

Telecom Networks

The network which is used by Telecom Services industry and host of other industries that are heavily dependent on the Telecommunication services, are used for wide area communication purposes.

Communication Technology

Further to evolution of the Telecom Networks catering to modern day needs, Communication Technology dependent versatile industries, we see requirement of transferring messages (or information) among people, industrial units, machines, global organizations etc growing every single day!

Cloud Computing

When the combined resource layer of Telecommunication Network and Communication Technology Ecosystems gets wider with delivering hosted services over internet, the categorization of IaaS, PaaS, SaaS comes into effect.

Our Approach

Whenever CSP/Operators have network & service evolution requirements: They approach multiple vendors for fine-tuning their existing Operation Management Systems [OSS-NMS / BSS COTS packages], Data Center Tools Strategies, & Network Solutions. They often go through  painful discussions to bring everyone on common page. TelcoSolve™ plays  significant role in binding stake holders together, bringing down valuable time and cost spent in reaching common understanding. Thereby, minimizing the stressful situations.

We come with global Telco/CSP/ISP Data Center/NMC (network management center) projects experience. Our employees are well experienced, assessed & certified from global communication tech, service provider organizations. We have passion to discuss, understand, and propose suitable functional, non-functional solutions by bringing stake holders on same page. We understand value of multi-vendor-partner relationships in Businesses and importance of sustaining such partnering over long-term engagements, benefits instilled.

Collaborative Ecosystem

We extend Solutioning around following Technologies & Domains

Network :
Brand Name : Brand Short Description Type Here.
VM Ware : Brand Short Description Type Here.
Cisco : Brand Short Description Type Here.
Docket K8 : Brand Short Description Type Here.
IoT / IoET :
Open AI :
HP :
Wireless RAN :
GITHUB : Brand Short Description Type Here.
AZURE : Brand Short Description Type Here.
AWS : Brand Short Description Type Here.
GCP : Brand Short Description Type Here.
Python : Python
Beats :
Kafka :
NagiOS :